The Octopus 2.0 Pre-Order

Das letztjährige Progrock-Meisterwerk von Amplifier ist in der Special Edition längst ein begehrtes Sammelstück. Die Briten reagieren auf die immer noch immense Nachfrage und legen eine zweite Auflage des unfassbar schicken Konzeptwerks vor. Limitiert auf 750 Exemplare.
Damit zu spät gekommene Fans nicht horrenden Preisen auf etwaigen Börsen ausgesetzt sind, schaffen Amplifier in geringem Rahmen Abhilfe und legen ihr letztes Album in der Special Edition noch einnmal neu auf und pimpen das Werk zudem gehörig mit Bonusmaterial auf. Konkret heißt dies:
The 2nd Edition of The Octopus.
We said it would happen, and here it is.
Bigger and weirder than ever – the new three disc edition clocks in at a weighty 112 pages, with new additional graphic chapters added by Goni Montes and Sel. The idea of The Octopus is expanded much further than in the original.
The cover is made from a kind of raw form of Kevlar that is inked silver.
It is very very yummy.
Best of all, The Octopus 2.0 features the names of around 3000 people that bought it initially directly from us. You have been worked in and are part of The Octopus story. Reading through everybody’s names in itself is a fantastic journey through the disintegration of information just as we hoped it would become, and shows what a wide and varied bunch we all are. Without all those people – there would be no Octopus.
As well as the new and expanded book design, the CDs have been remade and injected with dye to complete the futuristic vibe, and also FOR THE ONE AND ONLY TIME EVER – Fractal has been petrified into a polycarbonate CD so everyone who hates downloads can have a real copy of it.
Not only that, but on the Fractal CD we’ve also included a 27 minute film about making The Octopus, that we shot while we were deep in the midst of creation.
If you like things about studios, knobs, faders and the process of recording you’ll probably find this film really, really interesting – otherwise if you don’t like those things – you’ll probably find it really, really dull….
Anyway – here it is….
750 copies – That’s it.
First come – First served.
Zu bestellen gibts das Schmankerl wieder ausnahmslos im Onlineshop der Band.