Nasum – Earliest Recorded Rehearsals 1992

von am 3. Dezember 2022 in Sonstiges

Nasum – Earliest Recorded Rehearsals 1992

Weiter geht es mit der von Anders Jakobson kuratierten The Rare Nasum bzw. Vault-Ergänzungen: Earliest Recorded Rehearsals 1992 bietet die „earliest recorded rehearsal sessions with Nasum, including songs for the „Blind World“ session and some acoustic versions of „Really Fast vol 9“ songs as a bonus.

Die knapp zehn Minuten von Earliest Recorded Rehearsals 1992 bieten also Material, in der Nasum mutmaßlich noch nicht einmal Nasum hießen, wie Jakobson sich erinnert: „As the story goes, original drummer/singer Rickard and I were busy writing „complex“ songs for our death metal band Necrony and at some point we did a short grindcore song to blow of some steam and the basis for a new band was born.“ Und weiter: „This is obviously before Mieszko joined the band. Actually we were heading into the studio to record our songs at the same time as a Necrony recording but had to postpone the Nasum recording a few weeks, thus giving Mieszko a chance to join the band and write another song. But that was probably many months from this rehearsal session.

Es gibt hier also ziemlich derbe Lo-Fi-Mitschnitte im Death-Gewand, die gerade hinsichtlich der derben Vocals zu gefallen wissen. Immer wenn das Duo die Heaviness betonen will, wird es zwar etwas arg dünn im Sound, aber dass man bereits starke Riffs auf Lager hat, ist bei allem Krawall dennoch unüberhörbar. Also ja: eigentlich ist das Material (gerade das Dom ljuger-Cover) ziemlich cool und macht Spaß, sofern man keine High End-Klangansprüche stellt.
Das gilt auch für die beiden aus dem Rahmen fallenden abschließenden Gitarren-Intrumentalstücke, die eilig nach vorne sprintend einen seltenen inszenatorischen Blick auf das schmissige Songwriting der Band erlauben.

Eigentlich war Jakobson aber ja auf der Suche nach anderem Material für diese Veröffentlichung: „I looked for a particular rehearsal of Mieszko and I playing the riffs for a song called „Maze“ that never was used or even rehearsed with Rickard. I can’t say I remember why we killed it. I know I have some lyrics for it somewhere but that’s it. Unfortunately I was unable to locate the recording. I think it was written after the „Blind World“ session or possibly after the „Really Fast“ session.“ Also weiter zu besagten Sessions: „I haven’t found any proper rehearsal from that one but I did find some acoustic riffs from a few songs. I have added them as a bonus. This is basically how every Nasum song sounds at some point. Not that exciting, right?“ Das vielleicht nicht – allerdings eine durchaus interessante Perspektive.

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