Albums of the Year List by: Disappears

In the light of his band Disappears not only releasing the ‚Kone‚-EP that rose expectations for 2013, but consequently lifting their sound onto the next level with their following album ‚Era‚ , Brian Case telling us about his favourite records of this past year is especially interesting. „Their best album so far“ is the consensus on ‚Era‚ elsewhere – which can only be repeated on day 13 of the Heavy Pop Advent calendar.
The Mallard – ‚[amazon_link id=“B00DFBVKNC“ target=“_blank“ ]Finding Meaning in Deference[/amazon_link]‘
Not sure how I found this one, I think mainly through it’s release on Castle Face which is John Dwyer’s label from Thee Oh See’s. I can’t think of another record this year where the playing impressed me as much – there are so many unique choices on here, lot’s of thought put into the arrangements and most impressively some new kind of telepathy that’s allowing this band to exist on some other plane. Sadly they broke up either right before or after this came out but wow is it intense, and essential for 2013. Crystals and Candles is probably my most played song this year.
Nisennenmondai – [amazon_link id=“B00DAJZFOO“ target=“_blank“ ]N[/amazon_link]‘
Best band in Japan – period. There’s not any other band on earth that makes music as intense as there three tiny girls. Awesome live band, nice people, completely modern music – it’s a shame that this went relatively unheard this year, or any of the other’s that they have existed.
Cate Le Bon – ‚[amazon_link id=“B00EZDW7RC“ target=“_blank“ ]Mug Museum[/amazon_link]‘
Got this on a whim after a friend of mine kept telling me about it – perfect blend of smart songwriting, a unique voice and absolutely killer guitar playing. Really impressive chemistry between the guitars made perfect by the simple, direct rhythm section and unfussy arrangements.
Justin Walter – ‚[amazon_link id=“B00BYN29FQ“ target=“_blank“ ]Lullabies and Nightmares[/amazon_link]‘
Can’t think of a record I’ve listened to more this year. Justin plays a midi valve instrument, basically an electronic horn. I haven’t seen it live yet but am thinking of asking him to work on a record together – it’s that impressive. Over the summer we put this on almost every morning at my house as we started our day.
Circuit Des Yeux – ‚[amazon_link id=“B00F07PSC8″ target=“_blank“ ]Overdue[/amazon_link]‘
Chicago chanteuse that most people compare to Nico, vocally at least. A perfect example of just how deep and varied the musical landscape is in this town – recorded by Cooper Crain (who also put out two of the best albums this year between his band Cave and Bitchin‘ Bajas) so you know it’s quality.
Disappears online: Facebook | Tumblr | Twitter | Soundcloud | Kranky
Thanks to Disappears and Brian Case for joining the Heavypop Advent calender, and of course a big, big „Thank You“ to the awesome Lauren Barley for her help!