Albums of the Year List by: Retox

von am 20. Dezember 2013 in Adventskalender 2013, Featured

Albums of the Year List by: Retox

No offense to all the other playgrounds Justin Pearson takes part in – but Retox is most likely the straight up best band in a pool of never dissapointing projects the 38 year old has been a member of since ‚New Erections‚ were, well, erected. The extra portion of kicking rock moments not only suits the grindcore-dervish remarkably well, combined with the stunning guitar-work by Michael Crain it also takes care of making songs like ‚Soviet Reunion‚ or ‚Greasy Palm‚ surefire genre-hits on ‚YPLL‚. On day 20 of the HeavyPop Advent calendar, Pearson tells us about his favourite records of this past year 2013.

Bl'ast! - BloodBL’AST! – ‚Blood!
I saw Bl’ast! play when I was a little kid and was blown away. This re-issue/ re-master of some of their material, and in light of SST, specifically Greg Ginn being a round about prick, is awesome and sound amazing. Bl’ast! was a band that was ahead of their time and still hold up musically.

Naked Lights – Chime GroveNaked Lights – ‚Chime Grove
Naked Lights features one of my ex bandmates, Christopher Sprague (The Crimson Curse, Some Girls). The musicianship on this album by Chris and co really transcends on many levels.

AZLP0009 LP artworkMelt-Banana – ‚[amazon_link id=“B00ESPGN3G“ target=“_blank“ ]Fetch[/amazon_link]‘
My favorite Japanese band needs no description.

Bastard Noise - Geronimo – Inertia Bastard Noise / Geronimo – ‚[amazon_link id=“B00FDY9GR6″ target=“_blank“ ]Inertia[/amazon_link]
This album, the WT Nelson special as I call it, has some of the most amazing timbre pressed on vinyl. Both acts on this split have managed to redefine the concept of music.

M.I.A. - MatangiMIA – ‚[amazon_link id=“B00FEFOL60″ target=“_blank“ ]Matangi[/amazon_link]‘
Can you spare any [social] change?

Retox online: Facebook | Homepage | Three.One.G | Ipecac | Epitaph |
Justin Pearson online: Facebook | Twitter

Many Thanks to Justin Pearson / Retox for joining the Heavypop Advent calender 2013 – and of course also to Alma from Epitaph!

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